Living in Ecuador is like living in several countries at the same time

Our Services

Information updated to august 2024

Retire Visa

After working for many years and if you have a montly income from The Social Security Administration, Retirement funds or more, you can apply for a RETIRE VISA (Jubilado), with a minimum income, per month, of 3 minimum Ecuadorian minimum wages… usd 1380.00 at the moment and this amount is increased every year, in January, when the Ecuadorian government rises the Ecuadorian Minimum Wager (SBU in Spanish)

Professional Visa

Have you at least, a Bachelor degree? Use your Bachelor degree in order to request a PROFESSIONAL VISA in Ecuador

Investor Visa

With an investment of usd 46000,00 (100 SBU Ecuadorian Minimum Wages), in a CD or buying a property and the minimum price in the deed is usd 46.000,00, you can apply for an investor visa.

Living in Ecuador is like living in several countries at the same time

Ulises Acosta


There is a place in South America full of beautiful landscapes, culture and beauty that you cannot miss visiting. This is Ecuador, a beautiful multicultural country.